Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I have never seen her look so happy in her car seat.

I think it is because she was able to communicate with me that she wanted to go on a car ride. One thing was for sure, she did not want to walk to the park this evening.

I took her to the library. The house with books.

Up the stairs we went - into the children's area.

I was able to quickly steer her around the computers, and over to visit with the gerbil. "Shhhh, don't wake the gerbil."

Into the picture room we went, and read book upon book upon book. With each thoughtfully and carefully picked book, she snuggled in close to me on my lap so that we could read together.

Eventually, the crayons and coloring pages beckoned her over to the table.

Coloring turned into a game of pick-up-crayons, with me constantly singing the clean up song. At least that works!

She began to pretend to draw on the spines of the books, and then she eventually did write on some of the spines. Luckily crayons wipes off easily.

Somehow, the crayon dumping morphed into her pulling tiny fistfuls of books off of the shelves and throwing them violently and carelessly onto the floor.

This was followed by some of the sweetest, most beautiful laughter I have ever heard.

I tried saying no, in a serious tone.

That laughter made me laugh however! I'm not sure my seriousness was taken seriously.

After a little bit of clean up, the little toddler got scooped up, and swished away from the library with 6 new books. On to a waiting bath.

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